To make giving simple, convenient, and secure, we have created several options you can explore.
Partner With Save Georgia
We genuinely express the nature of Jesus when we are generous. It is through our generosity that we impact our community and the world. It’s a privilege to worship and honor God with our resources.
Simple and secure platform for single gifts or recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.
You can give in person at any of our weekend worship experiences. You can give with a check, cash, and/or via a debit card. Simply fill out the giving envelope provided in the worship guide and drop it in the offering basket as it is passed.
If you mail your donation, please note the project you wish to support, make your check payable to SAVEGeorgia, and mail it to:
PO Box 3682
Oakton, VA 22124

Why should I give?
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